Channel: Refugee Protest Camp Vienna » English
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Timetable June 2013


1. June, Saturday

11 a.m.
Mobilization Action for Demo (on 6.June)
Where: meeting point at Servitenmonastery

2. June, Sunday
10 a.m., all day
Ute Bock Cup/ Soccer
Refugee Protest Camp Vienna participates
Sans Papiers Soccer Club Vienna plays games each Sunday and invites Refugees to visit, or participate in coming games
Where: meeting point at Servitenkloster 9 a.m.,
Cup at Wiener Sport-Club Platz, Alszeile 19, 1170 Wien
contact: Bukasa or Simone
3. June, Monday
7 p.m.
Das Recht auf Asyl
With Khan Adalat und Mir Jahangir/ Refugee Camp Vienna
Michael Genner/ Asyl in Not
Nadja Lorenz/ Menschenrechtsanwältin
Where: Depot, Breite Gasse 3, 1070 Wien
Info: Recht auf Asyl, Genfer Flüchtlingskonvention, Asylantrag, Erstaufnahmestelle 
– welche konkrete Bedeutung haben diese aktuellen, im öffentlichen Diskurs häufig verwendeten Begriffe? Welche Strukturen stehen hinter dem Asylwesen in Österreich, 
welche Problematiken ergeben sich daraus und wie sieht die Realität all jener Menschen aus, die davon betroffen sind?
4. June, Tuesday
7:30 p.m.
„We the People“ Presentation & Discussion
1st edition of new Magazine (editors and contributions from Refugee Protest Camp Vienna) 
Where: Aktionsradius Augarten, Gaußplatz 11/ Ecke Jägerstrasse, 1200 Wien
5.June, Wednesday
7 p.m.
Asyl in Wien
Exhibition, Discussion and Intervention of Refugee Protest Camp Vienna
Part of Festival „Wiener Festwochen“
Where: Freiraum in Museumsquartier
6. June, Thursday
5 p.m.
Where: Sigmund-Freud-Park – Ring – Parlament – Maria Theresien Platz – 
Museumsplatz – Marcus Omofuma Memorial – Babenbergerstraße – Burgtor – 
Heldenplatz – Ballhausplatz – Minoritenplatz – Herrengasse – 
Schottengasse – Sigmund-Freud-Park
MOBILIZE! Flyers in Servitenmonastery! Or for downloading as PDF and printing here!
7.,8.,9. June, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
8. Tagung von kritnet in Berlin 
Thema: Bündnisse/ Allianzen/ Solidarität
Petja participates and speaks about Refugee Protest Camp Vienna
7. June, Friday
7 p.m.
Friday Evening Event – [Poster A3 | Flyer A5 | Flyer twice for printing on A4]
Filmscreening: „Die Geschichte der Refugee Bewegung in Österreich 2012/13“
Where: Refugee Protest Camp in the Servitenkloster
Bring your friends and don’t forget snacks and drinks!
Info: The film is about the impressive protest movement of the refugees in Austria in 2012/2013. The documentary shows the movement from its beginning with the march from Traiskirchen to Vienna in fall 2012 until the current situation in the Protestcamp Vienna in Servitenkloster. So far, the demands for a humanitarian right of residence have only been ignored by a racist regime of politics. The film shows the first part of the struggle – which will hopefully continue in order to realize human rights 
and also in order to make Austria more democratic.
7 p.m.
“Am Beispiel Votivkirche” lecture by Monika Mokre
Where: Café Nil, Siebensterngasse 39
A, 1070 Wien
8. June, Saturday
2 p.m.
Where: Altes AKH, meeting point at Servitenmonastery at 12.30
9. June, Sunday
Cooking Group meeting
Contact: Kathi and Gundula
Where: will be announced
Sans Papiers Soccer Club Vienna plays games each Sunday and invites Refugees to visit, or participate in coming games.
contact: Bukasa or Simone
5 p.m.
Communities meeting
Where: Afro-Asian Institute, Türkenstraße 3
10. June, Monday
6 p.m.
Big Plenary
Where: Servitenmonastery
12. June, Wednesday
7 p.m.
Exhibition opening Wolf Werdigier
Bilder aus dem Leben der Refugees
Where: Afro-Asian Institute, Türkenstraße 3
13. June, Thursday
6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Migrationsregime und aktuelle Flüchtlingsproteste
„Bildpolitiken und Repräsentationen der Flüchtlingsproteste“
lecture by Petja Dimitrova and Carlos Toldeo
Where: University of Vienna, Main building, Hörsaal/Room 28, Universitätsring 1
14. June, Friday
5 p.m. – 10 p.m.
Perform Another Culture
Auf Achse: Dorfplatz 2013-05-29 Theaterprocession, Streetparty
Where: All around Siebensternplatz, 1070 Wien
Contact: Eva Brenner
7 p.m.
Friday Evening Event – [Poster A3 | Flyer A5 | Flyer twice for printing on A4]
Filmscreening “Tere bin laden”
Info: A Pakistani reporter, who wants to migrate to the USA, produces a fake Osama Bin Laden video that he sells to his TV channel, in order to raise money for the Visa. However, the plan gets out of hand when the US Government takes the tape seriously…
Where: Refugee Protest Camp in the Servitenkloster:
Bring your friends and don’t forget snacks and drinks!
9 p.m.
Soli-Fest One
In support and solidarity with the Refugee Protest Movement of Vienna
Where: Reigen Veranstaltungslokal, Hadikgasse 62, U4 Station Hietzing
Program: www.reigen.at
16. June, Sunday
Sans Papiers Soccer Club Vienna 
plays games each Sunday and invites Refugees to visit, or participate in coming games
contact: Bukasa or Simone
17. June, Monday
6:30 p.m.
Big Plenary
Where: Servitenmonastery
18. June, Tuesday
1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Beginners German Course REGISTRATION
Call for Level Registration or come by: 01 403 94 33
Where: Nachbarschaftszentrum 17-Hernals, 
Hernalser Hauptstrasse 53, 1170 Wien
Info: German Course for Asylum seekers, FOR FREE
All July and August, every Monday 10h-12h, start 1.July, 2013
7 p.m.
Solidarityconcert for the Refugee Protest Camp
“Wo ist Du, mein geliebtes Land”, Songs of hope and longing
Open air concert with Paul Gulda, Marwan Abado, Klemens Sander, Aleksander Pinderak and guests..
Where: in front of Servitenchurch, 1090 Vienna.
21. June, Friday
7 p.m.
Friday Evening Event – [Poster A3 | Flyer A5 | Flyer twice for printing on A4]
Filmscreening: New York
Where: Refugee Protest Camp in the Servitenkloster:
Bring your friends and don’t forget snacks and drinks!
Info: The film explores the aftermath of 9/11 in New York and is about post-9/11 prejudices about muslim people. The story begins in the United States in 2008, 
with the arrest by the FBI of Omar Aijaz, a young muslim man, after guns were found in the trunk of a taxi cab he owned. Omar then discovers that he was set up by the FBI
in order to force him to spy on a former college friend whom he hasn’t seen in seven years and who the FBI believes is a terrorist.
22. June, Saturday
6 p.m. opening, program start 8 p.m.
ARGE fest in Salzburg
„Die Flüchtlinge feiern, wir feiern mit“
Evening on the international day of refugees with music, dance, food
Where: ARGEkultur, Ulrike-Gschwandtner-Straße 5, 5020 Salzburg
Meeting point in Servitenmonastery, contact: Marissa
23. June, Sunday
Sans Papiers Soccer Club Vienna 
plays games each Sunday and invites Refugees to visit, or participate in coming games.
contact: Bukasa or Simone
24. June, Monday
6:30 p.m.
Big Plenary
Where: Servitenmonastery
27. June, Thursday
6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Migrationsregime und aktuelle Flüchtlingsproteste
„Flüchtlingsproteste in Berlin und Organisierung im transnationalen Raum“
lecture by Napuli Langa (Refugeeactivist from Berlin), Niki Kubaczek and Refugee Activist (from Vienna)
Where: University Vienna, Main building, Hörsaal/Room 28, Universitätsring 1
28. June, Friday
1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Beginners German Course REGISTRATION
Call for Level Registration or come by: 01 403 94 33
Where: Nachbarschaftszentrum 17-Hernals, 
Hernalser Hauptstrasse 53, 1170 Wien
Info: German Course for Asylum seekers, FOR FREE
All July and August, every Monday 10h-12h, start 1.July, 2013
5 p.m.
Friday Evening Event – [Poster A3 | Flyer A5 | Flyer twice for printing on A4]
Neighborhood party in the Servitenkloster
with food, performaces and music. 
We will rise!
29. June, Saturday
University student holidays start for the next 3 months
30. June, Sunday
Servitenmonastery as Accomodation place and Plattform 
for Refugee Protest Camp Vienna officially ends- What next??!!??!! 
30. June, Sunday – 5. July, Friday
30th international summer academy
„Refugees and Migration“
On borders, fears and opportunities
Where: Peace castle Schlaining Austria www.friedensburg.at

A Pakistani reporter, who wants to migrate to the USA, produces a fake Osama Bin Laden video that he sells to his TV channel, in order to raise money for the Visa. However, the plan gets out of hand when the US Government takes the tape seriously …

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